Source code for audiomate.corpus.assets.issuer

import enum

class Gender(enum.Enum):
    UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
    MALE = 'male'
    FEMALE = 'female'

class AgeGroup(enum.Enum):
    UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
    CHILD = 'child'
    YOUTH = 'youth'
    ADULT = 'adult'
    SENIOR = 'senior'

[docs]class Issuer(object): """ The issuer represents a person, object or something that produced an utterance. Technically the issuer can be used to group utterances which came from the same source. Args: idx (str): An unique identifier for this issuer within a dataset. info (dict): Any additional info for this issuer as dict. Attributes: utterances (list): List of utterances that this issuer owns. """ def __init__(self, idx, info={}): self.idx = idx = info self.utterances = set() def __str__(self): return 'Issuer(idx={0}, info={1})'.format(self.idx,
[docs]class Speaker(Issuer): """ The speaker is the person who spoke in a utterance. Args: idx (str): An unique identifier for this speaker within a dataset. info (dict): Any additional info for this speaker as dict. age_group (AgeGroup): The age-group of the speaker (child, adult, ...) native_language (str): The native language of the speaker. (ISO 639-3) Attributes: utterances (list): List of utterances that this issuer owns. """ def __init__(self, idx, gender=Gender.UNKNOWN, age_group=AgeGroup.UNKNOWN, native_language=None, info={}): super(Speaker, self).__init__(idx, info=info) self.gender = gender self.age_group = age_group self.native_language = native_language def __str__(self): return 'Speaker(idx={0}, info={1})'.format(self.idx,
[docs]class Artist(Issuer): """ The artist is the person/group who have produced a musical segment in a utterance. Args: idx (str): An unique identifier for this speaker within a dataset. name (str): The name of the artist/band/... info (dict): Any additional info for this speaker as dict. Attributes: utterances (list): List of utterances that this issuer owns. """ def __init__(self, idx, name, info={}): super(Artist, self).__init__(idx, info=info) = name def __str__(self): return 'Artist(idx={0}, info={1})'.format(self.idx,