Source code for audiomate.corpus.subset.utils

import collections
import random

import numpy as np

[docs]def absolute_proportions(proportions, count): """ Split a given integer into n parts according to len(proportions) so they sum up to count and match the given proportions. Args: proportions (dict): Dict of proportions, with a identifier as key. Returns: dict: Dictionary with absolute proportions and same identifiers as key. Example:: >>> absolute_proportions({'train': 0.5, 'test': 0.5}, 100) {'train': 50, 'test': 50} """ # first create absolute values by flooring non-integer portions relative_sum = sum(proportions.values()) absolute_proportions = {idx: int(count / relative_sum * prop_value) for idx, prop_value in proportions.items()} # Now distribute the rest value randomly over the different parts absolute_sum = sum(absolute_proportions.values()) rest_value = count - absolute_sum subset_keys = sorted(list(proportions.keys())) for i in range(rest_value): key = subset_keys[i % len(subset_keys)] absolute_proportions[key] += 1 return absolute_proportions
[docs]def split_identifiers(identifiers=[], proportions={}): """ Split the given identifiers by the given proportions. Args: identifiers (list): List of identifiers (str). proportions (dict): A dictionary containing the proportions with the identifier from the input as key. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing a list of identifiers per part with the same key as the proportions dict. Example:: >>> split_identifiers( >>> identifiers=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], >>> proportions={'melvin' : 0.5, 'timmy' : 0.5} >>> ) {'melvin' : ['a', 'c'], 'timmy' : ['b', 'd']} """ abs_proportions = absolute_proportions(proportions, len(identifiers)) parts = {} start_index = 0 for idx, proportion in abs_proportions.items(): parts[idx] = identifiers[start_index:start_index + proportion] start_index += proportion return parts
[docs]def get_identifiers_splitted_by_weights(identifiers={}, proportions={}): """ Divide the given identifiers based on the given proportions. But instead of randomly split the identifiers it is based on category weights. Every identifier has a weight for any number of categories. The target is, to split the identifiers in a way, so the sum of category k within part x is proportional to the sum of category x over all parts according to the given proportions. This is done by greedily insert the identifiers step by step in a part which has free space (weight). If there are no fitting parts anymore, the one with the least weight exceed is used. Args: identifiers (dict): A dictionary containing the weights for each identifier (key). Per item a dictionary of weights per category is given. proportions (dict): Dict of proportions, with a identifier as key. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing a list of identifiers per part with the same key as the proportions dict. Example:: >>> identifiers = { >>> 'a': {'music': 2, 'speech': 1}, >>> 'b': {'music': 5, 'speech': 2}, >>> 'c': {'music': 2, 'speech': 4}, >>> 'd': {'music': 1, 'speech': 4}, >>> 'e': {'music': 3, 'speech': 4} >>> } >>> proportions = { >>> "train" : 0.6, >>> "dev" : 0.2, >>> "test" : 0.2 >>> } >>> get_identifiers_splitted_by_weights(identifiers, proportions) { 'train': ['a', 'b', 'd'], 'dev': ['c'], 'test': ['e'] } """ # Get total weight per category sum_per_category = collections.defaultdict(int) for identifier, cat_weights in identifiers.items(): for category, weight in cat_weights.items(): sum_per_category[category] += weight target_weights_per_part = collections.defaultdict(dict) # Get target weight for each part and category for category, total_weight in sum_per_category.items(): abs_proportions = absolute_proportions(proportions, total_weight) for idx, proportion in abs_proportions.items(): target_weights_per_part[idx][category] = proportion # Distribute items greedily part_ids = sorted(list(proportions.keys())) current_weights_per_part = {idx: collections.defaultdict(int) for idx in part_ids} result = collections.defaultdict(list) for identifier in sorted(identifiers.keys()): cat_weights = identifiers[identifier] target_part = None current_part = 0 weight_over_target = collections.defaultdict(int) # Search for fitting part while target_part is None and current_part < len(part_ids): free_space = True part_id = part_ids[current_part] part_weights = current_weights_per_part[part_id] for category, weight in cat_weights.items(): target_weight = target_weights_per_part[part_id][category] current_weight = part_weights[category] weight_diff = current_weight + weight - target_weight weight_over_target[part_id] += weight_diff if weight_diff > 0: free_space = False # If weight doesn't exceed target, place identifier in part if free_space: target_part = part_id current_part += 1 # If not found fitting part, select the part with the least overweight if target_part is None: target_part = sorted(weight_over_target.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0][0] result[target_part].append(identifier) for category, weight in cat_weights.items(): current_weights_per_part[target_part][category] += weight return result
[docs]def select_balanced_subset(items, select_count, categories, select_count_values=None, seed=None): """ Select items so the summed category weights are balanced. Each item has a dictionary containing the category weights. Items are selected until ``select_count`` is reached. The value that is added to ``select_count`` for an item can be defined in the dictionary ``select_count_values``. If this is not defined it is assumed to be 1, which means `select_count` items are selected. Args: items (dict): Dictionary containing items with category weights. select_count (float): Value to reach for selected items. categories (list): List of all categories. select_count_values (dict): The select_count values to be used. Returns: list: List of item ids, containing ``number_of_items`` (or ``len(items)`` if smaller). Example: >>> items = { >>> 'utt-1' : {'m': 1, 's': 0, 'n': 0}, >>> 'utt-2' : {'m': 0, 's': 2, 'n': 1}, >>> ... >>> } >>> select_balanced_subset(items, 5) >>> ['utt-1', 'utt-3', 'utt-9', 'utt-33', 'utt-34'] """ rand = random.Random() rand.seed(seed) if select_count_values is None: select_count_values = {item_id: 1 for item_id in items.keys()} if sum(select_count_values.values()) < select_count: return list(items.keys()) available_item_ids = sorted(list(items.keys())) weight_per_category = np.zeros(len(categories)) selected_item_ids = [] available_item_weights = [] current_select_count = 0 rand.shuffle(available_item_ids) # Create dict with weights as vectors for item_id in available_item_ids: weights = items[item_id] all_weights = np.zeros(len(categories)) for category, weight in weights.items(): all_weights[categories.index(category)] = float(weight) available_item_weights.append(all_weights) # Always add best next item while current_select_count < select_count: best_item_index = 0 best_item_id = None best_item_dist = float('inf') current_item_index = 0 while current_item_index < len(available_item_ids) and best_item_dist > 0: item_id = available_item_ids[current_item_index] item_weights = available_item_weights[current_item_index] temp_total_weights = weight_per_category + item_weights dist = temp_total_weights.var() if dist < best_item_dist: best_item_index = current_item_index best_item_dist = dist best_item_id = item_id current_item_index += 1 weight_per_category += available_item_weights[best_item_index] selected_item_ids.append(best_item_id) del available_item_ids[best_item_index] del available_item_weights[best_item_index] current_select_count += select_count_values[best_item_id] return selected_item_ids