Source code for audiomate.processing.base

import abc

import librosa
import numpy as np

from audiomate.corpus import assets
from audiomate.utils import units
from audiomate.utils import audio

[docs]class Processor(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ The processor base class provides the functionality to process audio data on different levels (Corpus, Utterance, File). For every level there is an offline and an online method. In the offline mode the data is processed in one step (e.g. the whole file/utterance at once). This means the ``process_frames`` method is called with all the frames of the file/utterance. In online mode the data is processed in chunks, so the ``process_frames`` method is called multiple times per file/utterance with different chunks. To implement a concrete processor the ``process_frames`` method has to be implemented. This method is called in online and offline mode. So it is up to the user to determine if a processor can be called in either online or offline mode, maybe both. This differs between use cases. """
[docs] def process_corpus(self, corpus, output_path, frame_size=400, hop_size=160, sr=None): """ Process all utterances of the given corpus and save the processed features in a feature-container. The utterances are processed in **offline** mode so the full utterance in one go. Args: corpus (Corpus): The corpus to process the utterances from. output_path (str): A path to save the feature-container to. frame_size (int): The number of samples per frame. hop_size (int): The number of samples between two frames. sr (int): Use the given sampling rate. If None uses the native sampling rate from the underlying data. Returns: FeatureContainer: The feature-container containing the processed features. """ def processing_func(utterance, feat_container, frame_size, hop_size, sr, corpus): data = self.process_utterance(utterance, frame_size=frame_size, hop_size=hop_size, sr=sr, corpus=corpus) feat_container.set(utterance.idx, data) return self._process_corpus(corpus, output_path, processing_func, frame_size=frame_size, hop_size=hop_size, sr=sr)
[docs] def process_corpus_online(self, corpus, output_path, frame_size=400, hop_size=160, sr=None, chunk_size=1, buffer_size=5760000): """ Process all utterances of the given corpus and save the processed features in a feature-container. The utterances are processed in **online** mode, so chunk by chunk. Args: corpus (Corpus): The corpus to process the utterances from. output_path (str): A path to save the feature-container to. frame_size (int): The number of samples per frame. hop_size (int): The number of samples between two frames. sr (int): Use the given sampling rate. If None uses the native sampling rate from the underlying data. chunk_size (int): Number of frames to process per chunk. buffer_size (int): Number of samples to load into memory at once. The exact number of loaded samples depends on the block-size of the audioread library. So it can be of block-size higher, where the block-size is typically 1024 or 4096. Returns: FeatureContainer: The feature-container containing the processed features. """ def processing_func(utterance, feat_container, frame_size, hop_size, sr, corpus): for chunk in self.process_utterance_online(utterance, frame_size=frame_size, hop_size=hop_size, sr=sr, corpus=corpus, chunk_size=chunk_size, buffer_size=buffer_size): feat_container.append(utterance.idx, chunk) return self._process_corpus(corpus, output_path, processing_func, frame_size=frame_size, hop_size=hop_size, sr=sr)
[docs] def process_features(self, corpus, input_features, output_path): """ Process all features of the given corpus and save the processed features in a feature-container. The features are processed in **offline** mode, all features of an utterance at once. Args: corpus (Corpus): The corpus to process the utterances from. input_features (FeatureContainer): The feature-container to process the frames from. output_path (str): A path to save the feature-container to. Returns: FeatureContainer: The feature-container containing the processed features. """ feat_container = assets.FeatureContainer(output_path) for utterance in corpus.utterances.values(): sampling_rate = input_features.sampling_rate frames = input_features.get(utterance.idx, mem_map=False) processed = self.process_frames(frames, sampling_rate, offset=0, last=True, utterance=utterance, corpus=corpus) feat_container.set(utterance.idx, processed) feat_container.frame_size = input_features.frame_size feat_container.hop_size = input_features.hop_size feat_container.sampling_rate = input_features.sampling_rate feat_container.close() return feat_container
[docs] def process_features_online(self, corpus, input_features, output_path, chunk_size=1): """ Process all features of the given corpus and save the processed features in a feature-container. The features are processed in **online** mode, chunk by chunk. Args: corpus (Corpus): The corpus to process the utterances from. input_features (FeatureContainer): The feature-container to process the frames from. output_path (str): A path to save the feature-container to. chunk_size (int): Number of frames to process per chunk. Returns: FeatureContainer: The feature-container containing the processed features. """ feat_container = assets.FeatureContainer(output_path) for utterance in corpus.utterances.values(): sampling_rate = input_features.sampling_rate frames = input_features.get(utterance.idx, mem_map=True) current_frame = 0 while current_frame < frames.shape[0]: last = current_frame + chunk_size > frames.shape[0] to_frame = current_frame + chunk_size chunk = frames[current_frame:to_frame] processed = self.process_frames(chunk, sampling_rate, current_frame, last=last, utterance=utterance, corpus=corpus) if processed is not None: feat_container.append(utterance.idx, processed) current_frame += chunk_size feat_container.frame_size = input_features.frame_size feat_container.hop_size = input_features.hop_size feat_container.sampling_rate = input_features.sampling_rate feat_container.close() return feat_container
[docs] def process_utterance(self, utterance, frame_size=400, hop_size=160, sr=None, corpus=None): """ Process the utterance in **offline** mode, in one go. Args: utterance (Utterance): The utterance to process. frame_size (int): The number of samples per frame. hop_size (int): The number of samples between two frames. sr (int): Use the given sampling rate. If None uses the native sampling rate from the underlying data. corpus (Corpus): The corpus this utterance is part of, if available. Returns: np.ndarray: The processed features. """ return self.process_file(utterance.file.path, frame_size=frame_size, hop_size=hop_size, sr=sr, start=utterance.start, end=utterance.end, utterance=utterance, corpus=corpus)
[docs] def process_utterance_online(self, utterance, frame_size=400, hop_size=160, sr=None, chunk_size=1, buffer_size=5760000, corpus=None): """ Process the utterance in **online** mode, chunk by chunk. The processed chunks are yielded one after another. Args: utterance (Utterance): The utterance to process. frame_size (int): The number of samples per frame. hop_size (int): The number of samples between two frames. sr (int): Use the given sampling rate. If None uses the native sampling rate from the underlying data. chunk_size (int): Number of frames to process per chunk. buffer_size (int): Number of samples to load into memory at once. The exact number of loaded samples depends on the block-size of the audioread library. So it can be of block-size higher, where the block-size is typically 1024 or 4096. corpus (Corpus): The corpus this utterance is part of, if available. Returns: Generator: A generator that yield processed chunks. """ return self.process_file_online(utterance.file.path, frame_size=frame_size, hop_size=hop_size, sr=sr, start=utterance.start, end=utterance.end, utterance=utterance, corpus=corpus, chunk_size=chunk_size, buffer_size=buffer_size)
[docs] def process_file(self, file_path, frame_size=400, hop_size=160, sr=None, start=0, end=-1, utterance=None, corpus=None): """ Process the audio-file in **offline** mode, in one go. Args: file_path (str): The audio file to process. frame_size (int): The number of samples per frame. hop_size (int): The number of samples between two frames. sr (int): Use the given sampling rate. If None uses the native sampling rate from the underlying data. start (float): The point within the file in seconds to start processing from. end (float): The point within the file in seconds to end processing. utterance (Utterance): The utterance that is associated with this file, if available. corpus (Corpus): The corpus this file is part of, if available. Returns: np.ndarray: The processed features. """ frame_settings = units.FrameSettings(frame_size, hop_size) if end > 0: samples, sr = librosa.core.load(file_path, sr=sr, offset=start, duration=end - start) else: samples, sr = librosa.core.load(file_path, sr=sr, offset=start) if samples.size <= 0: raise ValueError('File {} has no samples'.format(file_path)) # Pad with zeros to match frames num_frames = frame_settings.num_frames(samples.size) num_pad_samples = (num_frames - 1) * hop_size + frame_size if num_pad_samples > samples.size: samples = np.pad(samples, (0, num_pad_samples - samples.size), mode='constant', constant_values=0) # Get sampling-rate if not given sampling_rate = sr or utterance.sampling_rate frames = librosa.util.frame(samples, frame_length=frame_size, hop_length=hop_size).T return self.process_frames(frames, sampling_rate, 0, last=True, utterance=utterance, corpus=corpus)
[docs] def process_file_online(self, file_path, frame_size=400, hop_size=160, sr=None, start=0, end=-1, utterance=None, corpus=None, chunk_size=1, buffer_size=5760000): """ Process the audio-file in **online** mode, chunk by chunk. The processed chunks are yielded one after another. Args: file_path (str): The audio file to process. frame_size (int): The number of samples per frame. hop_size (int): The number of samples between two frames. sr (int): Use the given sampling rate. If None uses the native sampling rate from the underlying data. start (float): The point within the file in seconds to start processing from. end (float): The point within the file in seconds to end processing. utterance (Utterance): The utterance that is associated with this file, if available. corpus (Corpus): The corpus this file is part of, if available. chunk_size (int): Number of frames to process per chunk. buffer_size (int): Number of samples to load into memory at once. The exact number of loaded samples depends on the block-size of the audioread library. So it can be of block-size higher, where the block-size is typically 1024 or 4096. Returns: Generator: A generator that yield processed chunks. """ current_frame = 0 frames = [] # Process chunks that are within end bounds for frame, output_sr, is_last in audio.read_frames(file_path, frame_size, hop_size, sr_target=sr, start=start, end=end, buffer_size=buffer_size): frames.append(frame) if len(frames) == chunk_size: processed = self.process_frames(np.array(frames), output_sr, current_frame, last=is_last, utterance=utterance, corpus=corpus) if processed is not None: yield processed current_frame += chunk_size frames = frames[chunk_size:] # Process overlapping chunks with zero frames at the end if len(frames) > 0: processed = self.process_frames(np.array(frames), output_sr, current_frame, last=True, utterance=utterance, corpus=corpus) yield processed
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def process_frames(self, data, sampling_rate, offset=0, last=False, utterance=None, corpus=None): """ Process the given chunk of frames. Depending on online or offline mode, the given chunk is either the full data or just part of it. Args: data (np.ndarray): nD Array of frames (num-frames x frame-dimensions). sampling_rate (int): The sampling rate of the underlying signal. offset (int): The index of the first frame in the chunk. In offline mode always 0. (Relative to the first frame of the utterance/sequence) last (bool): True indicates that this is the last frame of the sequence/utterance. In offline mode always True. utterance (Utterance): The utterance the frame is from, if available. corpus (Corpus): The corpus the frame is from, if available. Returns: np.ndarray: The processed frames. """ pass
def _process_corpus(self, corpus, output_path, processing_func, frame_size=400, hop_size=160, sr=None): """ Utility function for processing a corpus with a separate processing function. """ feat_container = assets.FeatureContainer(output_path) sampling_rate = -1 for utterance in corpus.utterances.values(): utt_sampling_rate = utterance.sampling_rate if sr is None: if sampling_rate > 0 and sampling_rate != utt_sampling_rate: raise ValueError( 'File {} has a different sampling-rate than the previous ones!'.format(utterance.file.idx)) sampling_rate = utt_sampling_rate processing_func(utterance, feat_container, frame_size, hop_size, sr, corpus) feat_container.frame_size = frame_size feat_container.hop_size = hop_size feat_container.sampling_rate = sr or sampling_rate feat_container.close() return feat_container