Source code for audiomate.annotations.label_list

import collections
import copy

import intervaltree

from .label import Label

[docs]class LabelList: """ Represents a list of labels which describe an utterance. An utterance can have multiple label-lists. Args: idx (str): An unique identifier for the label-list within a corpus for one utterance. labels (list): The list containing the :py:class:`audiomate.annotations.Label`. Attributes: utterance (Utterance): The utterance this label-list is belonging to. label_tree (IntervalTree): The interval-tree storing the labels. Example: >>> label_list = LabelList(idx='transcription', labels=[ >>> Label('this', 0, 2), >>> Label('is', 2, 4), >>> Label('timmy', 4, 8) >>> ]) """ __slots__ = ['idx', 'label_tree', 'utterance'] def __init__(self, idx='default', labels=None): self.idx = idx self.utterance = None self.label_tree = intervaltree.IntervalTree() if labels is not None: self.update(labels) def __eq__(self, other): data_this = (self.idx, self.label_tree) data_other = (other.idx, other.label_tree) return data_this == data_other def __iter__(self): for interval in self.label_tree: yield def __len__(self): return self.label_tree.__len__() def __copy__(self): # utterance is ignored intentionally, # since it is kind of a weak ref return LabelList( idx=self.idx, labels=[ for iv in self.label_tree] ) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # utterance is ignored intentionally, # since it is kind of a weak ref return LabelList( idx=self.idx, labels=copy.deepcopy([ for iv in self.label_tree], memo) ) @property def labels(self): """ Return list of labels. """ return list(self) @property def start(self): """ Return start of the earliest starting label (lower bound). """ return self.label_tree.begin() @property def end(self): """ Return end of the lastly ending label (upper bound). """ return self.label_tree.end() @property def total_length(self): """ Return the cumulative length of all labels (Number of characters). """ return sum(label.length for label in self.labels) # # Alteration #
[docs] def add(self, label): """ Add a label to the end of the list. Args: label (Label): The label to add. """ label.label_list = self self.label_tree.addi(label.start, label.end, label)
[docs] def addl(self, value, start=0.0, end=float('inf')): """ Shortcut for ``add(Label(value, start, end))``. """ self.add(Label(value, start=start, end=end))
[docs] def update(self, labels): """ Add a list of labels to the end of the list. Args: labels (list): Labels to add. """ ivs = [] for label in labels: label.label_list = self ivs.append(intervaltree.Interval(label.start, label.end, label)) self.label_tree.update(ivs)
[docs] def apply(self, fn): """ Apply the given function `fn` to every label in this label list. `fn` is a function of one argument that receives the current label which can then be edited in place. Args: fn (func): Function to apply to every label Example: >>> ll = LabelList(labels=[ ... Label('a_label', 1.0, 2.0), ... Label('another_label', 2.0, 3.0) ... ]) >>> def shift_labels(label): ... label.start += 1.0 ... label.end += 1.0 ... >>> ll.apply(shift_labels) >>> ll.labels [Label(a_label, 2.0, 3.0), Label(another_label, 3.0, 4.0)] """ for label in self.labels: fn(label)
[docs] def merge_overlaps(self, threshold=0.0): """ Merge overlapping labels with the same value. Two labels are considered overlapping, if ``l2.start - l1.end < threshold``. Args: threshold (float): Maximal distance between two labels to be considered as overlapping. (default: 0.0) Example: >>> ll = LabelList(labels=[ ... Label('a_label', 1.0, 2.0), ... Label('a_label', 1.5, 2.7), ... Label('b_label', 1.0, 2.0), ... ]) >>> ll.merge_overlapping_labels() >>> ll.labels [ Label('a_label', 1.0, 2.7), Label('b_label', 1.0, 2.0), ] """ updated_labels = [] all_intervals = self.label_tree.copy() # recursivly find a group of overlapping labels with the same value def recursive_overlaps(interval): range_start = interval.begin - threshold range_end = interval.end + threshold direct_overlaps = all_intervals.overlap(range_start, range_end) all_overlaps = [interval] all_intervals.discard(interval) for overlap in direct_overlaps: if == all_overlaps.extend(recursive_overlaps(overlap)) return all_overlaps # For every remaining interval # - Find overlapping intervals recursively # - Remove them # - Create a concatenated new label while not all_intervals.is_empty(): next_interval = list(all_intervals)[0] overlapping = recursive_overlaps(next_interval) ov_start = float('inf') ov_end = 0.0 ov_value = for overlap in overlapping: ov_start = min(ov_start, overlap.begin) ov_end = max(ov_end, overlap.end) all_intervals.discard(overlap) updated_labels.append(Label( ov_value, ov_start, ov_end )) # Replace the old labels with the updated ones self.label_tree.clear() self.update(updated_labels)
# # Statistics #
[docs] def label_total_duration(self): """ Return for each distinct label value the total duration of all occurrences. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing for every label-value (key) the total duration in seconds (value). Example: >>> ll = LabelList(labels=[ >>> Label('a', 3, 5), >>> Label('b', 5, 8), >>> Label('a', 8, 10), >>> Label('b', 10, 14), >>> Label('a', 15, 18.5) >>> ]) >>> ll.label_total_duration() {'a': 7.5 'b': 7.0} """ durations = collections.defaultdict(float) for label in self: durations[label.value] += label.duration return durations
[docs] def label_values(self): """ Return a list of all occuring label values. Returns: list: Lexicographically sorted list (str) of label values. Example: >>> ll = LabelList(labels=[ >>> Label('a', 3.2, 4.5), >>> Label('b', 5.1, 8.9), >>> Label('c', 7.2, 10.5), >>> Label('d', 10.5, 14), >>> Label('d', 15, 18) >>> ]) >>> ll.label_values() ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] """ all_labels = {l.value for l in self} return sorted(all_labels)
[docs] def label_count(self): """ Return for each label the number of occurrences within the list. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing for every label-value (key) the number of occurrences (value). Example: >>> ll = LabelList(labels=[ >>> Label('a', 3.2, 4.5), >>> Label('b', 5.1, 8.9), >>> Label('a', 7.2, 10.5), >>> Label('b', 10.5, 14), >>> Label('a', 15, 18) >>> ]) >>> ll.label_count() {'a': 3 'b': 2} """ occurrences = collections.defaultdict(int) for label in self: occurrences[label.value] += 1 return occurrences
[docs] def all_tokens(self, delimiter=' '): """ Return a list of all tokens occurring in the label-list. Args: delimiter (str): The delimiter used to split labels into tokens. See :meth:`audiomate.annotations.Label.tokenized` Returns: :class:`set`: A set of distinct tokens. """ tokens = set() for label in self: tokens = tokens.union(set(label.tokenized(delimiter=delimiter))) return tokens
# # Query Label Values #
[docs] def join(self, delimiter=' ', overlap_threshold=0.1): """ Return a string with all labels concatenated together. The order of the labels is defined by the start of the label. If the overlapping between two labels is greater than ``overlap_threshold``, an Exception is thrown. Args: delimiter (str): A string to join two consecutive labels. overlap_threshold (float): Maximum overlap between two consecutive labels. Returns: str: A string with all labels concatenated together. Example: >>> ll = LabelList(idx='some', labels=[ >>> Label('a', start=0, end=4), >>> Label('b', start=3.95, end=6.0), >>> Label('c', start=7.0, end=10.2), >>> Label('d', start=10.3, end=14.0) >>> ]) >>> ll.join(' - ') 'a - b - c - d' """ sorted_by_start = sorted(self.labels) concat_values = [] last_label_end = None for label in sorted_by_start: if last_label_end is None or (last_label_end - label.start < overlap_threshold and last_label_end > 0): concat_values.append(label.value) last_label_end = label.end else: raise ValueError('Labels overlap, not able to define the correct order') return delimiter.join(concat_values)
[docs] def tokenized(self, delimiter=' ', overlap_threshold=0.1): """ Return a ordered list of tokens based on all labels. Joins all token from all labels (``label.tokenized()```). If the overlapping between two labels is greater than ``overlap_threshold``, an Exception is thrown. Args: delimiter (str): The delimiter used to split labels into tokens. (default: space) overlap_threshold (float): Maximum overlap between two consecutive labels. Returns: str: A list containing tokens of all labels ordered according to the label order. Example: >>> ll = LabelList(idx='some', labels=[ >>> Label('a d q', start=0, end=4), >>> Label('b', start=3.95, end=6.0), >>> Label('c a', start=7.0, end=10.2), >>> Label('f g', start=10.3, end=14.0) >>> ]) >>> ll.tokenized(delimiter=' ', overlap_threshold=0.1) ['a', 'd', 'q', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'f', 'g'] """ sorted_by_start = sorted(self.labels) tokens = [] last_label_end = None for label in sorted_by_start: if last_label_end is None or (last_label_end - label.start < overlap_threshold and last_label_end > 0): tokens.extend(label.tokenized(delimiter=delimiter)) last_label_end = label.end else: raise ValueError('Labels overlap, not able to define the correct order') return tokens
# # Restructuring #
[docs] def separated(self): """ Create a separate Label-List for every distinct label-value. Returns: dict: A dictionary with distinct label-values as keys. Every value is a LabelList containing only labels with the same value. Example: >>> ll = LabelList(idx='some', labels=[ >>> Label('a', start=0, end=4), >>> Label('b', start=3.95, end=6.0), >>> Label('a', start=7.0, end=10.2), >>> Label('b', start=10.3, end=14.0) >>> ]) >>> s = ll.separate() >>> s['a'].labels [Label('a', start=0, end=4), Label('a', start=7.0, end=10.2)] >>> s['b'].labels [Label('b', start=3.95, end=6.0), Label('b', start=10.3, end=14.0)] """ separated_lls = collections.defaultdict(LabelList) for label in self.labels: separated_lls[label.value].add(label) for ll in separated_lls.values(): ll.idx = self.idx return separated_lls
[docs] def labels_in_range(self, start, end, fully_included=False): """ Return a list of labels, that are within the given range. Also labels that only overlap are included. Args: start(float): Start-time in seconds. end(float): End-time in seconds. fully_included(bool): If ``True``, only labels fully included in the range are returned. Otherwise also overlapping ones are returned. (default ``False``) Returns: list: List of labels in the range. Example: >>> ll = LabelList(labels=[ >>> Label('a', 3.2, 4.5), >>> Label('b', 5.1, 8.9), >>> Label('c', 7.2, 10.5), >>> Label('d', 10.5, 14) >>>]) >>> ll.labels_in_range(6.2, 10.1) [Label('b', 5.1, 8.9), Label('c', 7.2, 10.5)] """ if fully_included: intervals = self.label_tree.envelop(start, end) else: intervals = self.label_tree.overlap(start, end) return [ for iv in intervals]
[docs] def ranges(self, yield_ranges_without_labels=False, include_labels=None): """ Generate all ranges of the label-list. A range is defined as a part of the label-list for which the same labels are defined. Args: yield_ranges_without_labels(bool): If True also yields ranges for which no labels are defined. include_labels(list): If not empty, only the label values in the list will be considered. Returns: generator: A generator which yields one range (tuple start/end/list-of-labels) at a time. Example: >>> ll = LabelList(labels=[ >>> Label('a', 3.2, 4.5), >>> Label('b', 5.1, 8.9), >>> Label('c', 7.2, 10.5), >>> Label('d', 10.5, 14) >>>]) >>> ranges = ll.ranges() >>> next(ranges) (3.2, 4.5, [ < audiomate.annotations.Label at 0x1090527c8 > ]) >>> next(ranges) (4.5, 5.1, []) >>> next(ranges) (5.1, 7.2, [ < audiomate.annotations.label.Label at 0x1090484c8 > ]) """ tree_copy = self.label_tree.copy() # Remove labels not included if include_labels is not None: for iv in list(tree_copy): if not in include_labels: tree_copy.remove(iv) def reduce(x, y): x.append(y) return x # Split labels when overlapping and merge equal ranges to a list of labels tree_copy.split_overlaps() tree_copy.merge_equals(data_reducer=reduce, data_initializer=[]) intervals = sorted(tree_copy) last_end = intervals[0].begin # yield range by range for iv in intervals: # yield an empty range if necessary if yield_ranges_without_labels and iv.begin > last_end: yield (last_end, iv.begin, []) yield (iv.begin, iv.end, last_end = iv.end
[docs] def split(self, cutting_points, shift_times=False, overlap=0.0): """ Split the label-list into x parts and return them as new label-lists. x is defined by the number of cutting-points (``x == len(cutting_points) + 1``). The result is a list of label-lists corresponding to each part. Label-list 0 contains labels between ``0`` and ``cutting_points[0]``. Label-list 1 contains labels between ``cutting_points[0]`` and ``cutting_points[1]``. And so on. Args: cutting_points(list): List of floats defining the points in seconds, where the label-list is splitted. shift_times(bool): If True, start and end-time are shifted in splitted label-lists. So the start is relative to the cutting point and not to the beginning of the original label-list. overlap(float): Amount of overlap in seconds. This amount is subtracted from a start-cutting-point, and added to a end-cutting-point. Returns: list: A list of of: class: `audiomate.annotations.LabelList`. Example: >>> ll = LabelList(labels=[ >>> Label('a', 0, 5), >>> Label('b', 5, 10), >>> Label('c', 11, 15), >>>]) >>> >>> res = ll.split([4.1, 8.9, 12.0]) >>> len(res) 4 >>> res[0].labels [Label('a', 0.0, 4.1)] >>> res[1].labels [ Label('a', 4.1, 5.0), Label('b', 5.0, 8.9) ] >>> res[2].labels [ Label('b', 8.9, 10.0), Label('c', 11.0, 12.0) ] >>> res[3].labels [Label('c', 12.0, 15.0)] If ``shift_times = True``, the times are adjusted to be relative to the cutting-points for every label-list but the first. >>> ll = LabelList(labels=[ >>> Label('a', 0, 5), >>> Label('b', 5, 10), >>>]) >>> >>> res = ll.split([4.6]) >>> len(res) 4 >>> res[0].labels [Label('a', 0.0, 4.6)] >>> res[1].labels [ Label('a', 0.0, 0.4), Label('b', 0.4, 5.4) ] """ if len(cutting_points) == 0: raise ValueError('At least one cutting-point is needed!') # we have to loop in sorted order cutting_points = sorted(cutting_points) splits = [] iv_start = 0.0 for i in range(len(cutting_points) + 1): if i < len(cutting_points): iv_end = cutting_points[i] else: iv_end = float('inf') # get all intervals intersecting range intervals = self.label_tree.overlap( iv_start - overlap, iv_end + overlap ) cp_splits = LabelList(idx=self.idx) # Extract labels from intervals with updated times for iv in intervals: label = copy.deepcopy( label.start = max(0, iv_start - overlap, label.start) label.end = min(iv_end + overlap, label.end) if shift_times: orig_start = max(0, iv_start - overlap) label.start -= orig_start label.end -= orig_start cp_splits.add(label) splits.append(cp_splits) iv_start = iv_end return splits
# # Convenience Constructors #
[docs] @classmethod def create_single(cls, value, idx='default'): """ Create a label-list with a single label containing the given value. """ return LabelList(idx=idx, labels=[ Label(value=value) ])
[docs] @classmethod def with_label_values(cls, values, idx='default'): """ Create a new label-list containing labels with the given values. All labels will have default start/end values of 0 and ``inf``. Args: values(list): List of values(str) that should be created and appended to the label-list. idx(str): The idx of the label-list. Returns: (LabelList): New label-list. Example: >>> ll = LabelList.with_label_values(['a', 'x', 'z'], idx='letters') >>> ll.idx 'letters' >>> ll.labels [ Label('a', 0, inf), Label('x', 0, inf), Label('z', 0, inf), ] """ ll = LabelList(idx=idx) for label_value in values: ll.add(Label(label_value)) return ll