Source code for audiomate.corpus.conversion.base

import abc
import copy
import os

import audiomate
from audiomate import tracks
from audiomate import logutil

logger = logutil.getLogger()

[docs]class AudioFileConverter(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Base class for converters that convert all audio to a specific format. A converter creates a new instance of a corpus, so that all audio files meet given requirements. Args: sampling_rate (int): Target sampling rate to convert audio to. separate_file_per_utterance (bool): If ``True``, every utterance in the resulting corpus is in a separate file. If ``False``, the file/utt structure will be preserved. force_conversion (bool): If ``True``, all utterances will be converted whether or not it already matches the target format. If ``False``, only utterances not matching the target format will be converted. Others are reference to the original files. """ def __init__(self, sampling_rate=16000, separate_file_per_utterance=False, force_conversion=False): self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate self.separate_file_per_utterance = separate_file_per_utterance self.force_conversion = force_conversion
[docs] def convert(self, corpus, target_audio_path): """ Convert the given corpus. Args: corpus (Corpus): The input corpus. target_audio_path (str): The path where the audio files of the converted corpus should be saved. Returns: Corpus: The newly created corpus. """ out_corpus = audiomate.Corpus() files_to_convert = [] for utterance in logger.progress( corpus.utterances.values(), total=corpus.num_utterances, description='Find utterances to convert'): if utterance.issuer.idx not in out_corpus.issuers.keys(): out_corpus.import_issuers(utterance.issuer) if self._does_utt_need_conversion(utterance): # Store audio in a new file if self.separate_file_per_utterance: filename = '{}.{}'.format(utterance.idx, self._file_extension()) path = os.path.join(target_audio_path, filename) files_to_convert.append(( utterance.track.path, utterance.start, utterance.end, path )) track = out_corpus.new_file(path, utterance.idx) start = 0 end = float('inf') else: if utterance.track.idx not in out_corpus.tracks.keys(): filename = '{}.{}'.format(utterance.track.idx, self._file_extension()) path = os.path.join(target_audio_path, filename) files_to_convert.append(( utterance.track.path, 0, float('inf'), path )) out_corpus.new_file(path, utterance.track.idx) track = utterance.track start = utterance.start end = utterance.end utt = out_corpus.new_utterance( utterance.idx, track.idx, issuer_idx=utterance.issuer.idx, start=start, end=end ) lls = copy.deepcopy(list(utterance.label_lists.values())) utt.set_label_list(lls) else: # Just copy everything to the output corpus self._copy_utterance_to_corpus(utterance, out_corpus) self._copy_subviews_to_corpus(corpus, out_corpus) self._convert_files(files_to_convert) return out_corpus
@abc.abstractmethod def _file_extension(self): """ Return the file-extension that will be used. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def _does_utt_match_target_format(self, utterance): """ Return ``True`` if the utterance already matches the target format, ``False`` otherwise. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def _convert_files(self, files): """ Store the given samples with the target format at ``path``. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _does_utt_need_conversion(self, utterance): """ Return True if an utterance needs to be converted. """ if self.force_conversion: return True elif type(utterance.track) != tracks.FileTrack: return True elif self.separate_file_per_utterance and (utterance.start > 0 or utterance.end != float('inf')): return True elif not self._does_utt_match_target_format(utterance): return True return False def _copy_utterance_to_corpus(self, utterance, corpus): """ Create a copy of the utterance and add it to the given corpus. """ if utterance.track.idx not in corpus.tracks.keys(): corpus.import_tracks(utterance.track) corpus.import_utterances(utterance) def _copy_subviews_to_corpus(self, from_corpus, to_corpus): """ Create copy of all subviews from ``from_corpus`` in ``to_corpus``. """ subviews = copy.deepcopy(from_corpus.subviews) for subview_idx, subview in subviews.items(): to_corpus.import_subview(subview_idx, subview)