Source code for audiomate.corpus.conversion.wav

import functools
import multiprocessing

import soundfile as sf
import sox

from . import base
from audiomate import logutil

logger = logutil.getLogger()

[docs]class WavAudioFileConverter(base.AudioFileConverter): """ Class that creates a new instance of a corpus, so that all audio files meet given requirements. """ def __init__(self, num_workers=4, sampling_rate=16000, separate_file_per_utterance=False, force_conversion=False): super(WavAudioFileConverter, self).__init__( sampling_rate, separate_file_per_utterance, force_conversion ) self.num_workers = num_workers self.expected_properties = { 'samplerate': self.sampling_rate, 'format': 'WAV', 'subtype': 'PCM_16' } def _file_extension(self): return 'wav' def _does_utt_match_target_format(self, utterance): """ Return ``True`` if the utterance already matches the target format, ``False`` otherwise. """ if utterance.track.path.endswith('mp3'): return False try: info = for key, value in self.expected_properties.items(): if info.__getattribute__(key) != value: return False except RuntimeError: return False return True def _convert_files(self, files): """ Store the given samples with the target format at ``path``. """ with multiprocessing.Pool(self.num_workers) as p: func = functools.partial( _process_file, target_sr=self.sampling_rate ) list(logger.progress( p.imap(func, list(files)), total=len(files), description='Convert audio files' ))
def _process_file(file_item, target_sr): src = file_item[0] start = file_item[1] end = file_item[2] target = file_item[3] tfm = sox.Transformer() if start > 0 and end == float('inf'): tfm.trim(start) elif end != float('inf'): tfm.trim(start, end) tfm.convert(target_sr, 1, 16) try:, target) except sox.core.SoxError: logger.error('The following file could not be converted: %s', src)