Source code for audiomate.processing.pipeline.varia

import librosa
import numpy as np

from . import base

[docs]class Delta(base.Computation): """ Compute delta features. See """ def __init__(self, width=9, order=1, axis=0, mode='interp', parent=None, name=None): needed_context = int(width / 2.0) super(Delta, self).__init__(parent=parent, name=name, min_frames=needed_context + 1, left_context=needed_context, right_context=needed_context) self.width = width self.order = order self.axis = axis self.mode = mode
[docs] def compute(self, chunk, sampling_rate, corpus=None, utterance=None): axis = len( - self.axis - 1 output =, width=self.width, order=self.order, axis=axis, mode=self.mode).T return output[[0] - chunk.right_context]
[docs]class AddContext(base.Computation): """ For every frame add context frames from left or/and right. For frames at the beginning and end of a sequence, where no context is available, zeros are used. Args: left_frames (int): Number of previous frames to prepend to a frame. right_frames (int): Number of subsequent frames to append to a frame. Example: >>> input = np.array([ >>> [1,2,3], >>> [4,5,6], >>> [7,8,9] >>> ]) >>> chunk = Chunk(input, offset=0, is_last=True) >>> AddContext(left_frames=1, right_frames=1).compute(chunk, 16000) array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 0, 0]]) """ def __init__(self, left_frames, right_frames, parent=None, name=None): super(AddContext, self).__init__(parent=parent, name=name, min_frames=1, left_context=left_frames, right_context=right_frames) self.left_frames = left_frames self.right_frames = right_frames
[docs] def compute(self, chunk, sampling_rate, corpus=None, utterance=None): context = [] for shift in range(self.left_frames, 0, -1): shift_context =[[0] - shift] pad_widths = [[0, 0] for __ in range(len(shift_context.shape))] pad_widths[0][0] = shift shift_context = np.pad(shift_context, pad_widths, mode='constant', constant_values=0) context.append(shift_context) context.append( for i in range(self.right_frames): shift = i + 1 shift_context =[shift:] pad_widths = [[0, 0] for __ in range(len(shift_context.shape))] pad_widths[0][1] = shift shift_context = np.pad(shift_context, pad_widths, mode='constant', constant_values=0) context.append(shift_context) stacked = np.hstack(context) return stacked[[0] - chunk.right_context]