Source code for audiomate.corpus.assets.label

import collections
import heapq
from functools import total_ordering

[docs]@total_ordering class Label(object): """ Represents a label that describes some part of an utterance. Args: value (str): The text of the label. start (float): Start of the label within the utterance in seconds. (default: 0) end (float): End of the label within the utterance in seconds. (default: -1) (-1 defines the end of the utterance) meta (dict): A dictionary containing additional information for the label. Attributes: label_list (LabelList): The label-list this label is belonging to. """ __slots__ = ['value', 'start', 'end', 'label_list', 'meta'] def __init__(self, value, start=0, end=-1, meta=None): self.value = value self.start = start self.end = end self.meta = meta or {} self.label_list = None def __eq__(self, other): return (self.start, self.end, self.value.lower()) == (other.start, other.end, other.value.lower()) def __lt__(self, other): self_end = float('inf') if self.end == -1 else self.end other_end = float('inf') if other.end == -1 else other.end return (self.start, self_end, self.value.lower()) < (other.start, other_end, other.value.lower()) def __repr__(self) -> str: return 'Label({}, {}, {})'.format(self.value, self.start, self.end) @property def start_abs(self): """ Return the absolute start of the label in seconds relative to the signal. If the label isn't linked to any utterance via label-list, it is assumed ``self.start`` is relative to the start of the signal, hence ``self.start`` == ``self.start_abs``. """ if self.label_list is None or self.label_list.utterance is None: return self.start return self.label_list.utterance.start + self.start @property def end_abs(self): """ Return the absolute end of the label in seconds relative to the signal. If the label isn't linked to any utterance via label-list, it is assumed ``self.end`` is relative to the start of the signal, hence ``self.end`` == ``self.end_abs``. """ if self.label_list is None or self.label_list.utterance is None: return self.end elif self.end == -1: return self.label_list.utterance.end_abs else: return self.end + self.label_list.utterance.start @property def duration(self): """ Return the duration of the label in seconds. """ return self.end_abs - self.start_abs
[docs] def read_samples(self, sr=None): """ Read the samples of the utterance. Args: sr (int): If None uses the sampling rate given by the file, otherwise resamples to the given sampling rate. Returns: np.ndarray: A numpy array containing the samples as a floating point (numpy.float32) time series. """ duration = None if self.end >= 0 or self.label_list.utterance.end >= 0: duration = self.duration return self.label_list.utterance.file.read_samples(sr=sr, offset=self.start_abs, duration=duration)
[docs]class LabelList(object): """ Represents a list of labels which describe an utterance. An utterance can have multiple label-lists. Args: idx (str): An unique identifier for the label-list within a corpus for one utterance. labels (list): The list containing the :py:class:`audiomate.corpus.assets.Label`. Attributes: utterance (Utterance): The utterance this label-list is belonging to. Example:: >>> label_list = LabelList(idx='transcription', labels=[ >>> Label('this', 0, 2), >>> Label('is', 2, 4), >>> Label('timmy', 4, 8) >>> ]) """ __slots__ = ['idx', 'labels', 'utterance'] def __init__(self, idx='default', labels=[]): self.idx = idx self.utterance = None self.labels = [] self.extend(labels)
[docs] def append(self, label): """ Add a label to the end of the list. Args: label (Label): The label to add. """ label.label_list = self self.labels.append(label)
[docs] def extend(self, labels): """ Add a list of labels to the end of the list. Args: labels (list): Labels to add. """ for label in labels: self.append(label)
[docs] def ranges(self, yield_ranges_without_labels=False, include_labels=None): """ Generate all ranges of the label-list. A range is defined as a part of the label-list for which the same labels are defined. Args: yield_ranges_without_labels (bool): If True also yields ranges for which no labels are defined. include_labels (list): If not empty, only the label values in the list will be considered. Returns: generator: A generator which yields one range (tuple start/end/list-of-labels) at a time. Example: >>> ll = LabelList(labels=[ >>> Label('a', 3.2, 4.5), >>> Label('b', 5.1, 8.9), >>> Label('c', 7.2, 10.5), >>> Label('d', 10.5, 14) >>> ]) >>> ranges = ll.ranges() >>> next(ranges) (3.2, 4.5, [<audiomate.corpus.assets.label.Label at 0x1090527c8>]) >>> next(ranges) (4.5, 5.1, []) >>> next(ranges) (5.1, 7.2, [<audiomate.corpus.assets.label.Label at 0x1090484c8>]) """ # all label start events events = [(l.start, 1, l) for l in self.labels] labels_to_end = False heapq.heapify(events) current_range_labels = [] current_range_start = -123 while len(events) > 0: next_event = heapq.heappop(events) label = next_event[2] # Return current range if its not the first event and not the same time as the previous # event if -1 < current_range_start < next_event[0]: if len(current_range_labels) > 0 or yield_ranges_without_labels: yield (current_range_start, next_event[0], list(current_range_labels)) # Update labels and add the "end" event if next_event[1] == 1: if include_labels is None or label.value in include_labels: current_range_labels.append(label) if label.end == -1: labels_to_end = True else: heapq.heappush(events, (label.end, -1, label)) else: current_range_labels.remove(label) current_range_start = next_event[0] if labels_to_end and len(current_range_labels) > 0: yield (current_range_start, -1, list(current_range_labels))
[docs] def label_values(self): """ Return a list of all occuring label values. Returns: list: Lexicographically sorted list (str) of label values. Example: >>> ll = LabelList(labels=[ >>> Label('a', 3.2, 4.5), >>> Label('b', 5.1, 8.9), >>> Label('c', 7.2, 10.5), >>> Label('d', 10.5, 14), >>> Label('d', 15, 18) >>> ]) >>> ll.label_values() ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] """ all_labels = set([l.value for l in self]) return sorted(all_labels)
[docs] def label_count(self): """ Return for each label the number of occurrences within the list. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing for every label-value (key) the number of occurrences (value). Example: >>> ll = LabelList(labels=[ >>> Label('a', 3.2, 4.5), >>> Label('b', 5.1, 8.9), >>> Label('a', 7.2, 10.5), >>> Label('b', 10.5, 14), >>> Label('a', 15, 18) >>> ]) >>> ll.label_count() {'a': 3 'b': 2} """ occurrences = collections.defaultdict(int) for label in self: occurrences[label.value] += 1 return occurrences
[docs] def label_total_duration(self): """ Return for each distinct label value the total duration of all occurrences. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing for every label-value (key) the total duration in seconds (value). Example: >>> ll = LabelList(labels=[ >>> Label('a', 3, 5), >>> Label('b', 5, 8), >>> Label('a', 8, 10), >>> Label('b', 10, 14), >>> Label('a', 15, 18.5) >>> ]) >>> ll.label_total_duration() {'a': 7.5 'b': 7.0} """ durations = collections.defaultdict(float) for label in self: durations[label.value] += label.duration return durations
[docs] def apply(self, fn): """ Apply the given function `fn` to every label in this label list. `fn` is a function of one argument that receives the current label which can then be edited in place. Args: fn (func): Function to apply to every label Example: >>> ll = LabelList(labels=[ ... Label('a_label', 1.0, 2.0), ... Label('another_label', 2.0, 3.0) ... ]) >>> def shift_labels(label): ... label.start += 1.0 ... label.end += 1.0 ... >>> ll.apply(shift_labels) >>> ll.labels [Label(a_label, 2.0, 3.0), Label(another_label, 3.0, 4.0)] """ for label in self.labels: fn(label)
def __getitem__(self, item): return self.labels.__getitem__(item) def __iter__(self): return self.labels.__iter__() def __len__(self): return self.labels.__len__()