Source code for audiomate.corpus.preprocessing.processor

import abc

import librosa
import numpy as np

from audiomate.corpus import assets
from audiomate.utils import units

[docs]class Processor(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ This class is the base class for all kind of feature extraction. The processor produces from a given corpus features, which it then stores in a feature-container. For implementing a specific processor, the ``process_utterance`` method has to be implemented: * This method is called for every utterance in the corpus. * In the method any feature extraction / pre-processing can be done. * The result then has to be saved in the feature-container, which is passed along with the utterance. The result has to be saved, with the id of the utterance, which is passed as argument. Example: >>> import audiomate >>> from audiomate.corpus.preprocessing.pipeline import offline >>> >>> ds = audiomate.Corpus.load('some/corpus/path') >>> mfcc_processor = offline.MFCC(n_mfcc=13, n_mels=128) >>> norm_processor = offline.MeanVarianceNorm(mean=5.4, variance=2.3, parent=mfcc_processor) >>> >>> fc = norm_processor.process_corpus(ds, output_path='path/mfcc_features.h5', frame_size=400, hop_size=160) >>> fc <audiomate.corpus.assets.features.FeatureContainer at 0x10d451a20> >>> >>> fc.get('existing-utterance-id')[()] array([[-6.18418212, 3.93379946, 2.51237535, 3.62199459, -6.77845303, 3.28746939, 1.36316432, -0.7814685 , -2.36003147, 3.27370797, -3.24373709, -2.42513017, -1.55695699], ... """
[docs] def process_corpus(self, corpus, output_path, frame_size=400, hop_size=160, sr=None): """ Process the given corpus and save the processed features in a feature-container at the given path. Args: corpus (Corpus): The corpus to process the utterances from. output_path (str): A path to save the feature-container to. frame_size (int): The number of samples per frame. hop_size (int): The number of samples between two frames. sr (int): Use the given sampling rate. If None uses the native sampling rate from the file. Returns: FeatureContainer: The feature-container containing the processed features. """ feat_container = assets.FeatureContainer(output_path) sampling_rate = -1 for utterance in corpus.utterances.values(): utt_sampling_rate = utterance.sampling_rate if sr is None: if sampling_rate > 0 and sampling_rate != utt_sampling_rate: raise ValueError( 'File {} has a different sampling-rate than the previous ones!'.format(utterance.file.idx)) sampling_rate = utt_sampling_rate self.process_utterance(utterance, feat_container, corpus=corpus, frame_size=frame_size, hop_size=hop_size, sr=sr) feat_container.frame_size = frame_size feat_container.hop_size = hop_size feat_container.sampling_rate = sr or sampling_rate feat_container.close() return feat_container
[docs] def process_corpus_from_feature_container(self, corpus, input_features, output_path): """ Process the given corpus and save the processed features in a feature-container at the given path. Instead of using the framed signal, use the features from from the given feature-container. Args: corpus (Corpus): The corpus to process the utterances from. input_features (FeatureContainer): The feature-container to process the frames from. output_path (str): A path to save the feature-container to. Returns: FeatureContainer: The feature-container containing the processed features. """ feat_container = assets.FeatureContainer(output_path) for utterance in corpus.utterances.values(): self.process_utterance_from_feature_container(utterance, input_features, feat_container, corpus) feat_container.frame_size = input_features.frame_size feat_container.hop_size = input_features.hop_size feat_container.sampling_rate = input_features.sampling_rate feat_container.close() return feat_container
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def process_utterance(self, utterance, feature_container, corpus=None, frame_size=400, hop_size=160, sr=None): """ Extract features of the given utterances and put it in the given feature-container. Args: utterance (Utterance): The utterance to process. feature_container (FeatureContainer): The feature-container to store the output. corpus (Corpus): The corpus where the utterance is from, if available. frame_size (int): The number of samples per frame. hop_size (int): The number of samples between two frames. sr (int): Use the given sampling rate. If None uses the native sampling rate from the file. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def process_utterance_from_feature_container(self, utterance, in_feat_container, out_feat_container, corpus=None): """ Process the feature of the given utterance from the given input feature-container and put it to the given output feature-container. Args: utterance (Utterance): The utterance to process. in_feat_container (FeatureContainer): The feature-container to read the input frames. out_feat_container (FeatureContainer): The feature-container to store the output. corpus (Corpus): The corpus where the utterance is from, if available. """ pass
[docs]class OfflineProcessor(Processor, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ This class should be used for feature extraction in batch mode (one full utterance in a step). For implementing a specific offline-processor, the ``process_sequence`` method has to be implemented: * As input the method receives a 2-Dimensional array of frames (n-frames x n-samples-per-frame). * It must return a array with the first dimension of the same size as the input. Note: The samples are padded with zeros to match the number of frames equal to math.ceil((num_samples - self.frame_size) / self.hop_size + 1). """
[docs] def process_utterance(self, utterance, feature_container, corpus=None, frame_size=400, hop_size=160, sr=None): frame_settings = units.FrameSettings(frame_size, hop_size) samples = utterance.read_samples(sr=sr) if samples.size <= 0: raise ValueError('Utterance {} has no samples'.format(utterance.idx)) # Pad with zeros to match frames num_frames = frame_settings.num_frames(samples.size) num_pad_samples = (num_frames - 1) * hop_size + frame_size if num_pad_samples > samples.size: samples = np.pad(samples, (0, num_pad_samples - samples.size), mode='constant', constant_values=0) # Get sampling-rate if not given sampling_rate = sr or utterance.sampling_rate frames = librosa.util.frame(samples, frame_length=frame_size, hop_length=hop_size).T processed = self.process_sequence(frames, sampling_rate, utterance=utterance, corpus=corpus) feature_container.set(utterance.idx, processed)
[docs] def process_utterance_from_feature_container(self, utterance, in_feat_container, out_feat_container, corpus=None): sampling_rate = in_feat_container.sampling_rate frames = in_feat_container.get(utterance.idx, mem_map=False) processed = self.process_sequence(frames, sampling_rate, utterance=utterance, corpus=corpus) out_feat_container.set(utterance.idx, processed)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def process_sequence(self, frames, sampling_rate, utterance=None, corpus=None): """ Process the given frames, which represent an utterance. Args: frames (numpy.ndarray): (n-frames x n-samples-per-frame) Frames. sampling_rate (int): The sampling rate of the underlying signal. corpus (Corpus): The corpus where the data is from, if available. utterance (Utterance): The utterance the data is from, if available. Returns: numpy.ndarray: (n-frames x ...) The features extracted from the given samples. """ pass