Source code for

import numpy as np

from . import container

SAMPLING_RATE_ATTR = 'sampling-rate'
MAX_INT16_VALUE = np.iinfo(np.int16).max

[docs]class AudioContainer(container.Container): """ Container to store raw audio samples. Notes: The samples are stored as 16-Bit Integers. But all methods expect or return the samples as 32-Bit Floats, in the range of -1.0 to 1.0. """
[docs] def get(self, key, mem_map=True): """ Return the samples for the given key and the sampling-rate. Args: key (str): The key to read the data from. mem_map (bool): If ``True`` returns the data as memory-mapped array, otherwise a copy is returned. Note: The container has to be opened in advance. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the samples as numpy array with ``np.float32`` [-1.0,1.0] and the sampling-rate. """ self.raise_error_if_not_open() if key in self._file: data = self._file[key] sampling_rate = data.attrs[SAMPLING_RATE_ATTR] if not mem_map: data = data[()] data = np.float32(data) / MAX_INT16_VALUE return data, sampling_rate
[docs] def set(self, key, samples, sampling_rate): """ Set the samples and sampling-rate for the given key. Existing data will be overwritten. The samples have to have ``np.float32`` datatype and values in the range of -1.0 and 1.0. Args: key (str): A key to store the data for. samples (numpy.ndarray): 1-D array of audio samples (np.float32). sampling_rate (int): The sampling-rate of the audio samples. Note: The container has to be opened in advance. """ if not np.issubdtype(samples.dtype, np.floating): raise ValueError('Samples are required as np.float32!') if len(samples.shape) > 1: raise ValueError('Only single channel supported!') self.raise_error_if_not_open() if key in self._file: del self._file[key] samples = (samples * MAX_INT16_VALUE).astype(np.int16) dset = self._file.create_dataset(key, data=samples) dset.attrs[SAMPLING_RATE_ATTR] = sampling_rate
[docs] def append(self, key, samples, sampling_rate): """ Append the given samples to the data that already exists in the container for the given key. Args: key (str): A key to store the data for. samples (numpy.ndarray): 1-D array of audio samples (int-16). sampling_rate (int): The sampling-rate of the audio samples. Note: The container has to be opened in advance. For appending to existing data the HDF5-Dataset has to be chunked, so it is not allowed to first add data via ``set``. """ if not np.issubdtype(samples.dtype, np.floating): raise ValueError('Samples are required as np.float32!') if len(samples.shape) > 1: raise ValueError('Only single channel supported!') existing = self.get(key, mem_map=True) samples = (samples * MAX_INT16_VALUE).astype(np.int16) if existing is not None: existing_samples, existing_sr = existing if existing_sr != sampling_rate: raise ValueError('Different sampling-rate than existing data!') num_existing = existing_samples.shape[0] self._file[key].resize(num_existing + samples.shape[0], 0) self._file[key][num_existing:] = samples else: dset = self._file.create_dataset(key, data=samples, chunks=True, maxshape=(None,)) dset.attrs[SAMPLING_RATE_ATTR] = sampling_rate