Source code for

import os
import collections

import audiomate
from audiomate import annotations
from audiomate.corpus import subset
from audiomate.utils import textfile
from . import base
from . import downloader

META_FILE_PATH = os.path.join('meta', 'esc50.csv')

[docs]class ESC50Downloader(downloader.ArchiveDownloader): """ Downloader for the ESC-50 dataset. Args: url (str): The url to download the dataset from. If not given the default URL is used. """ def __init__(self, url=None): if url is None: url = DOWNLOAD_URL super(ESC50Downloader, self).__init__( url, move_files_up=True )
[docs] @classmethod def type(cls): return 'esc-50'
[docs]class ESC50Reader(base.CorpusReader): """ Reader for the ESC-50 dataset (Environmental Sound Classification). .. seealso:: `ESC-50 <>`_ Download page """
[docs] @classmethod def type(cls): return 'esc-50'
def _check_for_missing_files(self, path): return [] def _load(self, path): corpus = audiomate.Corpus(path=path) meta_data = ESC50Reader.load_meta_data(path) folds = collections.defaultdict(list) esc10_utt_ids = [] for record in meta_data: file_name = record[0] file_id = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, 'audio', file_name)) fold = record[1] category = record[3] esc10 = record[4] corpus.new_file(file_path, file_id) utt = corpus.new_utterance(file_id, file_id) utt.set_label_list(annotations.LabelList.create_single(category, idx=audiomate.corpus.LL_SOUND_CLASS)) folds['fold-{}'.format(fold)].append(file_id) if esc10 == 'True': esc10_utt_ids.append(file_id) for fold_id, fold_utt_ids in folds.items(): fold_filter = subset.MatchingUtteranceIdxFilter(utterance_idxs=set(fold_utt_ids)) fold_sv = subset.Subview(corpus, filter_criteria=[fold_filter]) corpus.import_subview(fold_id, fold_sv) esc10_filter = subset.MatchingUtteranceIdxFilter(utterance_idxs=set(esc10_utt_ids)) esc10_sv = subset.Subview(corpus, filter_criteria=[esc10_filter]) corpus.import_subview('esc-10', esc10_sv) return corpus @staticmethod def load_meta_data(path): file_path = os.path.join(path, META_FILE_PATH) lines = textfile.read_separated_lines(file_path, separator=',') return lines[1:]