Source code for

import os
import struct

import numpy as np
import scipy

import audiomate
from audiomate import tracks
from audiomate import annotations
from audiomate import issuers
from audiomate.utils import textfile
from . import base
from . import default

WAV_FILE_NAME = 'wav.scp'
UTT2SPK_FILE_NAME = 'utt2spk'
SPK2GENDER_FILE_NAME = 'spk2gender'

[docs]class KaldiReader(base.CorpusReader): """ Supports reading data sets in Kaldi format. .. seealso:: `Kaldi: Data preparation <>`_ Describes how a data set has to be structured to be understood by Kaldi and the format of the individual files. """ def __init__(self, main_label_list_idx=audiomate.corpus.LL_WORD_TRANSCRIPT, main_feature_idx='default'): self.main_label_list_idx = main_label_list_idx self.main_feature_idx = main_feature_idx
[docs] @classmethod def type(cls): return 'kaldi'
def _check_for_missing_files(self, path): necessary_files = [WAV_FILE_NAME, TRANSCRIPTION_FILE_NAME] missing_files = [] for file_name in necessary_files: file_path = os.path.join(path, file_name) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): missing_files.append(file_name) return missing_files def _load(self, path): wav_file_path = os.path.join(path, WAV_FILE_NAME) spk2gender_path = os.path.join(path, SPK2GENDER_FILE_NAME) utt2spk_path = os.path.join(path, UTT2SPK_FILE_NAME) segments_path = os.path.join(path, SEGMENTS_FILE_NAME) text_path = os.path.join(path, TRANSCRIPTION_FILE_NAME) corpus = audiomate.Corpus(path=path) default.DefaultReader.read_files(wav_file_path, corpus) KaldiReader.read_genders(spk2gender_path, corpus) utt2spk = default.DefaultReader.read_utt_to_issuer_mapping(utt2spk_path, corpus) KaldiReader.read_utterances(segments_path, corpus, utt2spk) KaldiReader.read_transcriptions(text_path, corpus) return corpus @staticmethod def read_genders(genders_path, corpus): if os.path.isfile(genders_path): speakers = textfile.read_key_value_lines(genders_path, separator=' ') for speaker_idx, gender_str in speakers.items(): if gender_str == 'm': gender = issuers.Gender.MALE else: gender = issuers.Gender.FEMALE speaker = issuers.Speaker(speaker_idx, gender=gender) corpus.import_issuers(speaker) @staticmethod def read_utterances(segments_path, corpus, utt2spk): # load utterances if os.path.isfile(segments_path): utterances = textfile.read_separated_lines_with_first_key( segments_path, separator=' ', max_columns=4 ) for utt_id, utt_info in utterances.items(): start = 0 end = float('inf') if len(utt_info) > 1: start = float(utt_info[1]) if len(utt_info) > 2: end = float(utt_info[2]) if end == -1: end = float('inf') speaker_idx = None if utt_id in utt2spk.keys(): speaker_idx = utt2spk[utt_id].idx corpus.new_utterance( utt_id, utt_info[0], issuer_idx=speaker_idx, start=start, end=end ) else: for file_idx in corpus.files.keys(): speaker_idx = None if file_idx in utt2spk.keys(): speaker_idx = utt2spk[file_idx].idx corpus.new_utterance(file_idx, file_idx, issuer_idx=speaker_idx) @staticmethod def read_transcriptions(text_path, corpus): transcriptions = textfile.read_key_value_lines(text_path, separator=' ') for utt_id, transcription in transcriptions.items(): ll = annotations.LabelList.create_single( transcription, idx=audiomate.corpus.LL_WORD_TRANSCRIPT ) corpus.utterances[utt_id].set_label_list(ll)
[docs]class KaldiWriter(base.CorpusWriter): """ Supports writing data sets in Kaldi format. Args: main_label_list_idx (str): The idx of the label-list to use for writing to transcriptions file. main_feature_idx (str): The idx of the feature-container to export. use_utt_idx_if_no_speaker_available (bool): If ``True``, the utterance-idx is used as speaker-idx in the utt2spk file, if no speaker exists for an utterance. create_spk2gender (bool): If ``True`` creates the file spk2gender. default_gender (str): If ``create_spk2gender==True`` and the gender of an issuer is not known, this default value will be used (default 'm'). prefix_utterances_with_speaker (bool): If ``True``, add a prefix in form of the issuer-idx to every utterance. use_absolute_times (bool): If ``True``, doesn't use -1 for segment ends, but reads the audio to get absolute duration. .. seealso:: `Kaldi: Data preparation <>`_ Describes how a data set has to be structured to be understood by Kaldi and the format of the individual files. """ def __init__(self, main_label_list_idx=audiomate.corpus.LL_WORD_TRANSCRIPT, main_feature_idx='default', use_utt_idx_if_no_speaker_available=True, create_spk2gender=False, default_gender='m', prefix_utterances_with_speaker=True, use_absolute_times=False): self.main_label_list_idx = main_label_list_idx self.main_feature_idx = main_feature_idx self.use_utt_idx_if_no_speaker_available = use_utt_idx_if_no_speaker_available self.create_spk2gender = create_spk2gender self.default_gender = default_gender self.prefix_utterances_with_speaker = prefix_utterances_with_speaker self.use_absolute_times = use_absolute_times
[docs] @classmethod def type(cls): return 'kaldi'
def _save(self, corpus, path): wav_file_path = os.path.join(path, WAV_FILE_NAME) spk2gender_path = os.path.join(path, SPK2GENDER_FILE_NAME) utt2spk_path = os.path.join(path, UTT2SPK_FILE_NAME) segments_path = os.path.join(path, SEGMENTS_FILE_NAME) text_path = os.path.join(path, TRANSCRIPTION_FILE_NAME) KaldiWriter.write_tracks(wav_file_path, corpus, path) self._write_segments(segments_path, corpus) self._write_utt_to_issuer_mapping(utt2spk_path, corpus) self._write_transcriptions(text_path, corpus) self._write_features(path, corpus) if self.create_spk2gender: self._write_genders(spk2gender_path, corpus) @staticmethod def write_tracks(file_path, corpus, path): file_records = [] export_path = os.path.join(path, 'audio') for track in corpus.tracks.values(): if isinstance(track, tracks.FileTrack): file_records.append([ track.idx, KaldiWriter.extended_filename(track) ]) elif isinstance(track, tracks.ContainerTrack): if not os.path.isdir(export_path): os.makedirs(export_path) target_path = os.path.join( export_path, '{}.wav'.format(track.idx) ) max_value = np.iinfo(np.int16).max samples = (track.read_samples() * max_value).astype(np.int16) sampling_rate = track.sampling_rate, sampling_rate, samples) file_records.append([ track.idx, target_path ]) textfile.write_separated_lines( file_path, file_records, separator=' ', sort_by_column=0 )
[docs] @staticmethod def extended_filename(file_track): """ Create extended filename. Kaldi only supports wav. Therefore other files have to be converted using sox. """ ext = os.path.splitext(file_track.path)[1] abs_path = os.path.abspath(file_track.path) if ext == '.wav': return abs_path else: return 'sox {} -t wav - |'.format(abs_path)
def _write_segments(self, utterance_path, corpus): utterances = corpus.utterances.values() utterance_records = {} for u in utterances: utt_idx = self._get_utt_idx(u) track_idx = u.track.idx start = u.start end = u.end if end == float('inf'): if self.use_absolute_times: end = u.end_abs else: end = -1 utterance_records[utt_idx] = [track_idx, start, end] textfile.write_separated_lines( utterance_path, utterance_records, separator=' ', sort_by_column=0 ) def _write_genders(self, gender_path, corpus): genders = {} for issuer in corpus.issuers.values(): gender = self.default_gender if type(issuer) == issuers.Speaker: if issuer.gender == issuers.Gender.MALE: gender = 'm' elif issuer.gender == issuers.Gender.FEMALE: gender = 'f' genders[issuer.idx] = gender if len(genders) > 0: textfile.write_separated_lines( gender_path, genders, separator=' ', sort_by_column=0 ) def _write_transcriptions(self, text_path, corpus): transcriptions = {} for utterance in corpus.utterances.values(): utt_idx = self._get_utt_idx(utterance) if self.main_label_list_idx in utterance.label_lists.keys(): label_list = utterance.label_lists[self.main_label_list_idx] transcriptions[utt_idx] = ' '.join([l.value for l in label_list]) textfile.write_separated_lines( text_path, transcriptions, separator=' ', sort_by_column=0 ) def _write_utt_to_issuer_mapping(self, utt_issuer_path, corpus): utt_issuer_records = {} for utterance in corpus.utterances.values(): utt_idx = self._get_utt_idx(utterance) if utterance.issuer is not None: utt_issuer_records[utt_idx] = utterance.issuer.idx elif self.use_utt_idx_if_no_speaker_available: utt_issuer_records[utt_idx] = utt_idx textfile.write_separated_lines( utt_issuer_path, utt_issuer_records, separator=' ', sort_by_column=0 ) def _write_features(self, path, corpus): if self.main_feature_idx in corpus.feature_containers.keys(): fc = corpus.features_containers[self.main_feature_idx] matrices = {} for utt_id in corpus.utterances.keys(): matrix = fc.get(utt_id) if matrix is not None: matrices[utt_id] = matrix fc.close() ark_path = os.path.join(path, '{}.ark'.format(FEATS_FILE_NAME)) ark_path = os.path.abspath(ark_path) scp_path = os.path.join(path, '{}.scp'.format(FEATS_FILE_NAME)) self.write_float_matrices(scp_path, ark_path, matrices)
[docs] @staticmethod def feature_scp_generator(path): """ Return a generator over all feature matrices defined in a scp. """ scp_entries = textfile.read_key_value_lines(path, separator=' ') for utterance_id, rx_specifier in scp_entries.items(): yield utterance_id, KaldiWriter.read_float_matrix(rx_specifier)
[docs] @staticmethod def read_float_matrix(rx_specifier): """ Return float matrix as np array for the given rx specifier. """ path, offset = rx_specifier.strip().split(':', maxsplit=1) offset = int(offset) sample_format = 4 with open(path, 'rb') as f: # move to offset # assert binary ark binary = assert (binary == b'\x00B') # assert type float 32 format = assert (format == b'FM ') # get number of mfcc features num_frames = struct.unpack('<i',[0] # get size of mfcc features feature_size = struct.unpack('<i',[0] # read feature data data = * feature_size * sample_format) feature_vector = np.frombuffer(data, dtype='float32') feature_matrix = np.reshape( feature_vector, (num_frames, feature_size) ) return feature_matrix
def _get_utt_idx(self, utt): if (self.prefix_utterances_with_speaker and utt.issuer is not None and not utt.idx.startswith(utt.issuer.idx)): return '{}-{}'.format(utt.issuer.idx, utt.idx) else: return utt.idx
[docs] @staticmethod def write_float_matrices(scp_path, ark_path, matrices): """ Write the given dict matrices (utt-id/float ndarray) to the given scp and ark files. """ scp_entries = [] with open(ark_path, 'wb') as f: for utterance_id in sorted(list(matrices.keys())): matrix = matrices[utterance_id] assert (matrix.dtype == np.float32) f.write(('{} '.format(utterance_id)).encode('utf-8')) offset = f.tell() f.write(b'\x00B') f.write(b'FM ') f.write(b'\x04') f.write(struct.pack('<i', np.size(matrix, 0))) f.write(b'\x04') f.write(struct.pack('<i', np.size(matrix, 1))) flattened = matrix.reshape( np.size(matrix, 0) * np.size(matrix, 1) ) flattened.tofile(f, sep='') scp_entries.append('{} {}:{}'.format( utterance_id, ark_path, offset )) with open(scp_path, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(scp_entries))