Source code for

import os

import audiomate
from audiomate import annotations
from audiomate import issuers
from audiomate.utils import textfile
from . import base
from . import downloader


AUDIO_TYPES_ = ['music', 'noise', 'speech']

ANN_NUM_COLUMS_ = {'music': 4, 'noise': 1, 'speech': 3}


[docs]class MusanDownloader(downloader.ArchiveDownloader): """ Downloader for the MUSAN Corpus. Args: url (str): The url to download the dataset from. If not given the default URL is used. It is expected to be a tar.gz file. """ def __init__(self, url=None): if url is None: url = DOWNLOAD_URL super(MusanDownloader, self).__init__( url, move_files_up=True )
[docs] @classmethod def type(cls): return 'musan'
[docs]class MusanReader(base.CorpusReader): """ Reader for the MUSAN corpus. MUSAN is a corpus of music, speech, and noise recordings. .. seealso:: `MUSAN: A Music, Speech, and Noise Corpus <>`_ Paper explaining the structure and characteristics of the corpus `OpenSLR: MUSAN <>`_ Download page """
[docs] @classmethod def type(cls): return 'musan'
def _check_for_missing_files(self, path): # Some label files are missing anyway in the original data set # (e.g. speech/us-gov/ANNOTATIONS). What's left would be checking for missing directories. return [] def _load(self, path): create_or_get_issuer = { 'music': self._create_or_get_music_issuer, 'noise': self._create_or_get_noise_issuer, 'speech': self._create_or_get_speech_issuer, } corpus = audiomate.Corpus(path=path) for type_name, type_directory in self._directories(path).items(): for _, source_directory in self._directories(type_directory).items(): labels_path = os.path.join(source_directory, ANN_FILE_NAME_) labels = {} if os.path.exists(labels_path): labels = textfile.read_separated_lines_with_first_key( labels_path, separator=' ', max_columns=ANN_NUM_COLUMS_[type_name]) it = os.scandir(source_directory) for entry in it: if not'.wav'): continue file_path = os.path.join(source_directory, file_idx =[0:-4] # chop of .wav utterance_idx = file_idx # every file is a separate utterance issuer_idx = create_or_get_issuer[type_name](corpus, file_idx, labels) corpus.new_file(file_path, track_idx=file_idx, copy_file=False) utterance = corpus.new_utterance(utterance_idx, file_idx, issuer_idx) utterance.set_label_list(annotations.LabelList.create_single( type_name, idx=audiomate.corpus.LL_DOMAIN)) return corpus @staticmethod def _directories(path): directories = {} it = os.scandir(path) for entry in it: if not entry.is_dir(): continue directories[] = os.path.join(path, return directories # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @staticmethod def _create_or_get_noise_issuer(corpus, file_idx, labels): return None @staticmethod def _create_or_get_music_issuer(corpus, file_idx, labels): if file_idx not in labels: return None issuer_idx = labels[file_idx][2] if issuer_idx not in corpus.issuers: issuer = issuers.Artist(issuer_idx, name=issuer_idx) corpus.import_issuers(issuer) return issuer_idx @staticmethod def _create_or_get_speech_issuer(corpus, file_idx, labels): if file_idx not in labels: return None issuer = issuers.Speaker(file_idx) if file_idx in labels: if labels[file_idx][0] == 'm': issuer.gender = issuers.Gender.MALE elif labels[file_idx][0] == 'f': issuer.gender = issuers.Gender.FEMALE corpus.import_issuers(issuer) return file_idx