Source code for audiomate.tracks.track

import abc
import copy

[docs]class Track(abc.ABC): """ Track is the abstract base class for an audio track. Args: idx (str): A identifier to uniquely identify a track. """ __slots__ = ['idx'] def __init__(self, idx): self.idx = idx def __copy__(self): return Track(self.idx) def __deepcopy(self, memo): return copy.copy(self) @property @abc.abstractmethod def sampling_rate(self): """ Return the sampling rate. """ pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def num_channels(self): """ Return the number of channels. """ pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def num_samples(self): """ Return the total number of samples. """ pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def duration(self): """ Return the duration in seconds. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def read_samples(self, sr=None, offset=0, duration=None): """ Return the samples of the track. Args: sr (int): If ``None``, uses the native sampling-rate, otherwise resamples to the given sampling rate. offset (float): The time in seconds, from where to start reading the samples (rel. to the track start). duration (float): The length of the samples to read in seconds. Returns: np.ndarray: A numpy array containing the samples as a floating point (numpy.float32) time series. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def read_frames(self, frame_size, hop_size, offset=0, duration=None, buffer_size=5760000): """ Generator that reads and returns the samples of the track in frames. Args: frame_size (int): The number of samples per frame. hop_size (int): The number of samples between two frames. offset (float): The time in seconds, from where to start reading the samples (rel. to the track start). duration (float): The length of the samples to read in seconds. Returns: Generator: A generator yielding a tuple for every frame. The first item is the frame, the second the sampling-rate and the third a boolean indicating if it is the last frame. """ pass